Let’s face it: we live in a time of overproduction, reckless consumption, and collective amnesia.
In this giant trash heap we call the world, we decided it was time to dig a little deeper.
What did we find? Scraps, fragments, waste. And above all, a glimmer of hope.
Our creations are more than clothes and accessories. They are survivors.
Born from what we mindlessly discard. Designed in a world buckling under its own excess.
You want something new? Too late—everything’s already old.
You want luxury? Look around—everything already shines under plastic.
We are artisans of the discarded, designers of the absurd, creators dancing on the ashes of a crumbling system. Every stitch is a rebellion against consumerism. Every piece is a love letter to what the world neglects.
This shop is our response to a fashion industry rushing toward collapse. A space where rebellion becomes wearable, waste turns into desire, and sustainability dresses in black. Don’t just come to shop. Come to understand, participate, and move forward with us in this new direction.